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We've Done this Before.

Publishing, but Easy.

Getting started with Clique Games is as easy as submitting your deck, on boarding, getting prepared for launch, and bringing your VR game to the official stores! Read more about how we'll get your game prepped for launch!


To start the publishing process, you'll need to submit your pitch deck to us along with your contact information. We heavily recommend submitting your pitch deck to multiple publishers to find the best fit for you! Every publisher has something different to offer and may help you better understand what you're looking for. Once we have your pitch deck we'll start reviewing it. To make the best pitch deck you should include a solid breakdown of the game's core mechanics and theme, tell us about your team / journey into game development, layout what is currently developed / is upcoming, and finally include whether you're looking for funding, paths to official platforms, or just marketing help!


To start the publishing process, you'll need to submit your pitch deck to us along with your contact information. We heavily recommend submitting your pitch deck to multiple publishers to find the best fit for you! Every publisher has something different to offer and may help you better understand what you're looking for. Once we have your pitch deck we'll start reviewing it. To make the best pitch deck you should include a solid breakdown of the game's core mechanics and theme, tell us about your team / journey into game development, layout what is currently developed / is upcoming, and finally include whether you're looking for funding, paths to official platforms, or just marketing help!

On Boarding

First thing we do is make sure we understand your title through and through. We'll play through, ask you about the development process, and talk about your inspirations until we know as much as possible. ​ Then we'll start reviewing options to expand, improve, and/or optimize the title for official store launch. No change happens without your approval, so don't worry -- we're not about to tell you how to make your game. The final step to onboarding is creating assets such as hero art, capsule designs, social media posts, trailers, and anything else the title needs to look the part! We do all this in house as part of you signing with Clique Games.


Now that we know your game and have it looking the part, it's time to prepare for launch! Clique Games will create social media assets that run before and after launch. These posts will begin community building, title awareness, and getting the eyes of industry professionals that may be useful contacts. You'll be able to do podcasts, have articles written, attend conventions, and much more for launch! We'll also be setting you up with contacts for official launches on as many platforms as you want! If you need help porting or transferring the project, we will help take care of that. VR has a lot of platform choices, so we let you take your pick from our contacts.

Official Launch

By the time your title launches you'll already have a vibrant community, tons of media exposure, ports of your game, and all new assets. Once you launch we'll begin running launch ads, start larger community building events, manage user reviews / issues, and work with your team to begin planning what comes next. Expect a lot of interviews, Q&A's, and influencers making videos. Launch day can be daunting, but Clique Games will be there every step of the way to ensure your game stands out against the rest and reaches its full potential!

Official Launch

By the time your title launches you'll already have a vibrant community, tons of media exposure, ports of your game, and all new assets. Once you launch we'll begin running launch ads, start larger community building events, manage user reviews / issues, and work with your team to begin planning what comes next. Expect a lot of interviews, Q&A's, and influencers making videos. Launch day can be daunting, but Clique Games will be there every step of the way to ensure your game stands out against the rest and reaches its full potential!

Explore how we have Helped Projects like Yours

We Make it Easy to

​Clique Games Titles

Pitch Your Project

Now that you've got your Pitch Deck, why don't you sent it our way?

Clique Game's Founder Brandon Egolf walks you through how Rogue Ascent went from a vertical slice demo, to a fully funded Kickstarter, to launching on the Official Quest Store.

Free PDF:

Zero to Launch:

How to market your VR game from scratch.

Free Pitch Deck Templates

We want to help you kickstart your game by offering some of the Pitch Decks we've made along with some from our friends. These pitch decks have been used to successfully secure funding, land platform deals, and bring on-board project talent. 

Hopefully these help you spark your creativity and make your Pitch Deck destined for success. Once you've created your own Pitch Deck, send it to us and learn more about how we can help publish your game! 

Rogue Ascent Pitch Deck Template


Dragon Fist: VR Kung Fu Pitch Deck Template


Neolithic Dawn Pitch Deck Template


Monkey See Monkey Doo Doo Pitch Deck Template


Free PDF:

Zero to Launch:

How to market your VR game from scratch.

Clique Game's Founder Brandon Egolf walks you through how Rogue Ascent went from a vertical slice demo, to a fully funded Kickstarter, to launching on the Official Quest Store.

Coming Soon

Pitch Your Project

Now that you've got your Pitch Deck, why don't you sent it our way?

Pitch Your Project

Now that you've got your Pitch Deck, why don't you sent it our way?

Clique Game's Founder Brandon Egolf walks you through how Rogue Ascent went from a vertical slice demo, to a fully funded Kickstarter, to launching on the Official Quest Store.

Coming Soon

Free PDF:

Zero to Launch:

How to market your VR game from scratch.

Clique Games Titles

Free PDF:

Clique Game's Founder Brandon Egolf walks you through how Rogue Ascent went from a vertical slice demo, to a fully funded Kickstarter, to launching on the Official Quest Store.

Zero to Launch:

How to market your VR game from scratch.

On Boarding

First thing we do is make sure we understand your title through and through. We'll play through, ask you about the development process, and talk about your inspirations until we know as much as possible. ​ Then we'll start reviewing options to expand, improve, and/or optimize the title for official store launch. No change happens without your approval, so don't worry -- we're not about to tell you how to make your game. The final step to onboarding is creating assets such as hero art, capsule designs, social media posts, trailers, and anything else the title needs to look the part! We do all this in house as part of you signing with Clique Games.


Now that we know your game and have it looking the part, it's time to prepare for launch! Clique Games will create social media assets that run before and after launch. These posts will begin community building, title awareness, and getting the eyes industry professionals that may be useful contacts. You'll be able to do podcasts, have articles written, attend conventions, and much more for launch! We'll also be setting you up with contacts for official launches on as many platforms you want! If you need help porting or transferring the project, we will help take care of that. VR has a lot of platform choices, so we let you take your pick from our contacts.

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